Every year I host mama + me sessions just before mothers day. For the past 3-4 years I see the same 7ish families + get to meet lots of new mamas. It’s one of my favorite events of the year. This session, with Elaine and Shepherd, holds a little piece of my heart. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m pregnant with my second baby boy, or if it’s because this little one reminds me so much of my oldest, Silas. He was so happy and spunky during the first half of the session, and during the last half he just wanted to cuddle mama (which btw, is a photographers dream session imo). These are only my favorites from our 20 minute session. I hope you enjoy looking through them, and I hope more than anything this inspires you to invest in photos with your kids. <3
Venue — Archive Tulsa
^ a local favvvv of mine ^
Love you thank you for looking!!
Xx Madison
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